I don't know if you're an NHL fan, but I know I am and I am really hoping the Devils win tonight and pull a huge comeback but it isn't likely. Anyone else pulling for the Devils or are you satisfied with a Kings sweep?


Who do you guys think will win the NBA Championship? I think OKC has an excellent chance and lets be honest, James Hardin's beard is amazing.

Who do you guys think will win the two game sevens this weekend? I've got the Clippers and Lakers. Both should be close games but I'm at least hoping the clippers win because I like CP3 and Blake Griffin.
Hey guys, I am going to start selling some small sports items such as golf balls through the site. What other items would would you guys like me to sell?
Hey, I know I've been out for a while, but how are you guys enjoying the NHL and NBA playoffs? I'm hoping the Clippers win the title, but I just do not think that they have a strong enough team yet. Their bench is a weak spot; however, it would be awesome if they could make a run.
Nike came through big with brand new NFL uniforms for all 32 teams. I think the uniforms are excellent, especially because there will be less grabbing on to jerseys during the game. How do you like them?
What game are you most excited to watch on opening day?
What do you think about the league's decision on the Saints' incident?
Now that Peyton Manning has signed with the Denver Broncos, where do you think Tim Tebow should go or where do you think he will go?
The season is still going strong, but who do you have as the favorite to win the MVP trophy this year?